Ever So Slightly....Hacked off
It’s been a pretty busy few weeks and I’ve not had a lot of time to write and if I am honest, I haven’t been feeling a lot like it...
Ever So Slightly......Contemplative
It’s been a funny old week, I have been busy doing the thing that brings in the money to survive, trying to find the time to do all the...
Ever So Slightly.....Motivated
Earlier this year I was forced to think about what I want to do with my life. I have reached a point in my life where I have the...
Ever So Slightly......Launched
And so it is here, my blog site......... I am ever so slightly nervous, excited, terrified, nauseous and a few other expletives! This is...
Ever so Slightly......Excited
And so here it is, my first blog post! I am lucky enough to be starting my journey as a freelance writer and although I may not be an...